Livestock – Epidemio - Surveillance Project Southern Sub – Project (Southern Sudan)

Sero-survey and typing of foot and mouth virus in South Sudan

Terms of Reference


Veterinaires Sans Frontieres Belgium (VSF-Belgium) is an international non-governmental organization whose vision is to improve the welfare of vulnerable populations in developing countries, through improving animal health and production.

We have been a key player in the livestock sector in Southern Sudan since 1995 with a major role in the establishment of a community based animal health delivery system. Since 2007 VSF Belgium has been involved directly in supporting the Ministry of Animal Resources and Fisheries (MARF) in the establishment of an effective and efficient disease surveillance system in South Sudan.

This is under Livestock Epidemio-surveillance Southern subproject (LESP) through a grant from the European Community (EC), a parallel project is being implemented in northern Sudan.

The overall objective of the project is long-term reduction of poverty of those involved in livestock farming.

The specific objectives are:

    * Completion of the rinderpest eradication pathway in Southern Sudan completed by 2008.
    * Establishment of an effective and sustainable epidemio-surveillance system (ESS) owned and supported by the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) in order to support timely and effectively livestock disease control
    * Ensure that the GoSS Ministry of Animal Resources and Fisheries (MARF) has an informed and fully-costed strategy addressing main animal health issues affecting Southern Sudan

The target groups for the project are the livestock owners of Southern Sudan, Community-based Animal Health Workers (CAHWs), Animal Health Auxiliaries, (AHAs), public and private veterinarians, Southern Sudan State Ministries of Agriculture and Animal Resources and Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) Ministry of Animal Resources and Fisheries (MARF) Directorate of Veterinary Services.

Consultancy summary

In the past four years the project had its focus on addressing the completion of rinderpest eradication pathway as recommended by the World Animal Health Organization (OIE), as well as strengthening the disease surveillance capacity of the government of South Sudan specifically targeting priority and emerging livestock diseases in South Sudan.

Foot and mouth disease is one of the endemic diseases which threaten the future of livestock sector in South Sudan.

The disease has existed in the country since 1903. Available studies gave special attention to Northern Sudan where four serotypes of O, A SAT 1 and SAT 2 have been isolated.

Being part of the same country South Sudan is assumed to harbor the same serotypes of foot and mouth disease virus. However, there is a need for a scientific confirmation to prove the existing serotypes and determine their topotypes.

Given the above, VSF-Belgium is seeking to engage one or more experts to conduct a sero-survey of foot and mouth disease in South Sudan. This survey will be preceded by a training of the government staff on sampling skills and sample analysis.

It is expected that the expert will work with the trained staff during sample collection exercise and analysis process.

The result of the survey will be used by GOSS/MARF and the States to design an intervention strategy for foot and mouth disease in South Sudan


This survey is intended the benefit the ten states of Southern Sudan, but due to the existing disease history and considering the density of livestock population samples will be collected from Warrap state, Lakes state, Eastern Equatoria state, Upper Nile State, Unity state and Jonglei state

Objectives of the survey;

    * Identify the existing serotype of foot and mouth disease virus in South Sudan; investigate their prevalence in cattle, sheep and goats.
    * Carry out survey among the pastoralists to assess the socio-economic impact of foot and mouth disease.
    * Provide recommendations and strategic advice on the best intervention methods to be adopted by South Sudan.
    * Design a sound strategy for controlling FMD in the South Sudan


    * The expert(s) will draft a detailed work plan for the survey within the first one (1) week of signing the contract
    * A participatory approach will be expected with maximum stakeholder participation and appropriate involvement of MARF and project target groups at all stages. However information on foot and mouth disease virus needs to be confirmed through sample collection and laboratory analysis, a questionnaire will be designed by the expert for the socio-economic survey and be used simultaneously with the sampling exercise.
    * The whole mission is expected to be completed within 52 days:

   1. Two (2) weeks desk work and training of government staff on sampling and analysis for foot and mouth disease virus.
   2. Three (3) weeks field work involving the expert and government staff, this will entail sample collection and analysis; after which the expert will break and allow the sampling/analysis to be carried out by the government staff.
   3. After the completion of sampling/analysis exercise the expert will be called back to spend two (2) week for the completion and verification of laboratory results as well as and report writing
   4. Two (3) days validation and strategy formulation workshop


The expert(s) will be expected to submit a hard and soft copy of a detailed work plan within one (1) of signing the consultancy contract.

A detailed final report will be presented to the VSF-B Regional Director and LESP Subproject Coordinator entailing the findings and recommendation of the survey.

The entire report will be presented in English and will remain the property of VSF-B. A hard copy and a soft copy must be submitted.

A draft report will be expected seven (7) days after the end of the mission and the final report is expected 5 days after VSF-B’s comments.

The contents of the report shall be as follows:

    * Executive summary (covering major findings and recommendations).
    * Background.
    * Description of the objectives of the mission and execution methodology.
    * Findings
    * Problems encountered
    * Recommendations;
    * Annexes covering Terms of Reference, abbreviations, data collection formats and questionnaires used references, graphs, tables, etc.).


The LESP Technical Advisor based in Juba, Southern Sudan will ensure the overall coordination of the mission in conjunction with the Project Coordinator (PC) also based in Juba. The expert(s) will be expected to work closely with MARF and relevant stakeholders.

The LESP Sub-Project Coordinator will have overall responsibility and accountability for the mission and will provide guidance through all stages of the studies.

The expert(s) will be part of the Project Management Unit which reports to the PC.


The expert(s) are expected to have the following attributes:

    * Livestock expert with at least seven years experience in foot and mouth disease scientific work.
    * Experience in carrying out similar surveys, using participatory methodologies and a proven track record of excellent results delivery.
    * Experience with social analysis of development in a rural and post-conflict environment.
    * Excellent report writing skills.
    * Working experience in Southern Sudan is desirable.

Contact Information

Interested consultants should prepare and submit to VSF-B both technical and financial proposal for the assignment by June 9th 2011.

They should indicate their qualifications and experience with a detailed execution plan.

The proposals, CV and letter of motivation as well as three (3) referees should be send electronically to


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